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    SuperTHAman43432's Medals


    Total Medals Earned: 118 (From 12 different games.)
    Total Medal Score: 2,005 Points

    53xy83457 : Killmas Kard

    Medals Earned: 5/7 (25/35 points)

    Beast Pixels

    Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/180 points)

    Clock Duels

    Medals Earned: 11/19 (155/480 points)

    Cyber Hell 3

    Medals Earned: 12/16 (240/500 points)

    Damian : The Hellevator

    Medals Earned: 8/16 (155/500 points)

    Kill the Plumber

    Medals Earned: 5/15 (50/370 points)

    MADNESS : Family Duels

    Medals Earned: 12/13 (435/460 points)

    Quickdraw: Xmas Special

    Medals Earned: 15/23 (275/480 points)

    R&C: Research and Chicken

    Medals Earned: 14/69 (70/500 points)


    Medals Earned: 15/39 (90/500 points)